
AB Car Rental N.V. is responsible for the content of this website and does its utmost to keep the site up to date and correct

Report errors
If you come across something that is incorrect or outdated, we would appreciate your response. You can choose how you want to want to inform us. All required information is published on our contact page. We will process your report and take action within two working days.

E-mail code of conduct
When you respond by e-mail, this will be treated in accordance with our e-mail policy. When using web forms, we strive to minimize the number of fields that have to be filled in.

All information you provide to us will be treated confidentially. Personal or address data will only be used for the use of what you have provided them for.

AB Car Rental N.V. uses Google Analytics to ensure that the website matches the information needs of its visitors as closely as possible. The browser stores a small text file for this, a so-called cookie. This does not include any personal data.

SUV at the saltpans on Bonaire

Open 7 days a week

Openings hours:
Monday - Friday from 7AM to 8PM.
Saturday from 7AM to 9PM
Sunday from 7AM to 8PM

You can pick up and return the car outside office hours
Tel: +599-7178980
WhatsApp: +599-7867337
Kaya Industria 31, Kralendijk, Bonaire